Mods (Boats and Sails)

These mods change the look of Boats and Sails that you equip in Ship and Sail slots on character tab. Floating mounts not included.

Viewing all mods with the type set as "Boats and Sails" sorted by the most recent first.

SS QubeslyBoats and Sails
Neon hoverboardBoats and Sails
HovercraftBoats and Sails
Infine-YachtBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
GadgetCAT SailBoats and Sails
Lootseeker SailBoats and Sails
Accepted 7 years ago
The Man 'O WarBoats and Sails
Much SailBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Hellenic SailBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
TriremeBoats and Sails
Dope Fish SailBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Trovian Viking SailBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago